Workshops for kitas and school groups

It has always been a special matter to the Olbricht Foundation to awaken curiosity and the zest for experimentation of young visitors with our workshops and guided tours. All workshops revolved around exploration, curiosity and amazement. In our rooms, the students had an inspiring environment and a space to try and tinker. Together with artists, art, theater and music educators, they could encounter objects from the exhibitions, describe their perspectives on the works and playfully explore contexts.

1) Moving Energies – Best Of Wundertüte

In the context of the exhibition “MOVING ENERGIES”, which looks back on ten years of me Collectors Room and highlights the special features of the collection, we open the Wundertüte (miracle bag) and offer you the best of what has now been ten years of cultural and artistic education for children and young people in the house: Together with you, we want to activate all the senses, stimulate movement and experience in the room and through the exhibited art. A multimedia experience, which is conveyed and deepened by a guided tour through the exhibition with a focus on specific works and an experimental practical part. We paint, draw, print, work on the copier, collage or build sound objects. Everything is possible – let us surprise you.

2) Gerhard Richter – Abstract Worlds

The Olbricht Collection´s special focus lies on the works of Gerhard Richter. During a guided tour of the anniversary exhibition we discover Richter’s abstract paintings and tapestries. What does this have to do with us? Quite a lot: we let ourselves be inspired and then make abstract works of art ourselves: with paint, spatula, brush and a lot of creativity.

3) Wunderkammer Olbricht – Amazement, Discovery, Understanding

The Wonderful and the bizarre, rare treasures and objects from flora and fauna, Renaissance and Baroque times, but also contemporary items are presented on a journey of discovery through the Wunderkammer Olbricht. Children and teenagers get to know mythological figures and classical handicrafts from different countries, cultures and epochs and can also experience materials haptically. In the practical part, we implement the concept of a Wunderkammer by means of drawings, language or design.

Information about Workshop 1 – 3:
Who:      KiTa, primary, elementary and secondary schools
What:     Guided tour + practical part. 5€ per person, 90 minutes
Guided tour (seconday schools only), 3€ per person, 60 minutes
When:    Monday – Friday, from 10 a.m.
Where:  me Collectors Room Berlin, Auguststrasse 68, 10117 Berlin
How:      prior registration under  or Fon: 030 – 86 00 85 123

4) Wunderkammer Olbricht
A Linguistic Discovery of the Wunderkammer

This workshop is especially aimed at children whose mother tongue is not German or at very young children who would like to learn the German language together with us in a playful way. We go on an exciting journey together to get to know rare treasures, different cultures, distant countries, wonderful things, old and new. We use symbolic cards to search for objects in the Wunderkammer and learn consequently how their name is pronounced and written. Once all the symbol cards have been found, everyone can then select a favourite object in the exhibition and create his/ her own memory card.

Information about Workshop 4:
Who:      KiTa and “Willkommensklassen”
What:     Guided tour + practical part. 5€ per person, 90 minutes
When:    Monday – Friday, from 10 a.m.
Where:  me Collectors Room Berlin, Auguststrasse 68, 10117 Berlin
How:      prior registration under  or Fon: 030 – 86 00 85 123