me Collectors Room Berlin / Stiftung Olbricht
Editors: Julia Rust, Tina Volk
Translation: Tim Connell, Lance Anderson
Corporate Design
me Collectors Room Berlin
me Collectors Room Berlin
Stiftung Olbricht
Auguststraße 68
10117 Berlin
Fon +49 30 86 00 85-10
Fax +49 30 86 00 85-120
Registered office
Olbricht Foundation, Essen
Oefte 6, 45219 Essen-Kettwig
Company registration number: 21.13-st.1499
Administrative district: Düsseldorf
Tax number: 112/5750/1079
Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Olbricht (President)
Herbert Bäcker
The me Collectors Room Berlin makes every effort to ensure that the material contained in its website is current, complete and correct. Any liability for the relevance, accuracy or completeness of the information and material offered in its website is not accepted. This refers to any loss, additional costs or damage of any kind suffered as a result of any use of any material in this website.
Our homepage links to third party information providers. We have no influence or reliability on these links. Therefore the me Collectors Room Berlin distances itself from the material of all connected third party internet websites and excludes any liability for them.
The me Collectors Room Berlin website and its contents are copyright of the me Collectors Room Berlin.
Privacy statement
Please find here our Privacy Policy.
Note: in case of any translation uncertainties, the german version of this disclaimer is the legally binding one.
Subject to alterations.