Exhibition archive

In the exhibition archive you can find information on previous exhibitions, including images and selected press reviews.

29.02. – 17.05.2020: MOVING ENERGIES – 10 years me Collectors Room Berlin

 10 years me Collectors Room Berlin: This anniversary has been celebrated with an exhibition that takes a highly personal look into both, the activities of the foundation and the…


29.02. – 17.05.2020: Gerhard Richter – Abstract works from the Olbricht Collection

 The Olbricht Collection is regarded as one of the most extensive private art collections in Europe, and is as broad in its choice of media as it is in…


11.12.2019-31.01.2020: Art 19 – Box One

  For the benefit of Amnesty International, Art 19 is launching a limited edition of ten original fine art prints with new works by Ayşe Erkmen, Shilpa Gupta, Ilya &…


16.11.2019-31.01.2020: Transverse Wave

‘Transverse Wave’ brings Mary Bauermeister and Rashid Al Khalifa together with the sound designer Simon Stockhausen, opening on 16 November 2019 in the me Collectors Room Berlin / Olbricht Foundation.


11.09.2019-31.01.2020: Gerhard Richter – Portraits from the Olbricht Collection

Gerhard Richter has secured an international reputation as one of the most important and successful German artists of current times. The exhibition’s focus is also on human images – one of…


11.09.-03.11.2019: Kirchner · Richter · Burgert

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Gerhard Richter and Jonas Burgert: me Collectors Room Berlin creates dedicated spaces for three important German artists of three generations. The focus of the exhibited works is…


27.04.-31.10.2019: B.A.R.O.C.K.

Artistic interventions in the Wunderkammer Olbricht and in Schloss Caputh With „B.A.R.O.C.K.“ the Wunderkammer of me Collectors Room Berlin  and Schloss Caputh of the Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin – Brandenburg …


10.04.-18.08.2019: BEYOND

Jonas Burgert, Jake & Dinos Chapman, George Condo, Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg, FORT, Kris Martin, and Francisco de Goya On show from 10 April to 18 August 2019, the…


15.02.-13.05.2019: ZOO MOCKBA – toy animals from the Soviet Union – 1950 until 1980

The collection Köpcke & Weinhold ZOO MOCKBA – Toy Animals from the Soviet Union presents an exemplary selection of original toys produced between 1950 and 1980. Approximately 200 figures by…


26.09.2018 – 01.04.2019: The Moment is Eternity – Works from the Olbricht Collection

From 26.09.2018 to 01.04.2019, with some 300 works by approximately 60 artists on display, The Moment is Eternity shines the spotlight on the photographic works in the Olbricht Collection, showing…


08.07. – 15.10.2018: THE LONG NOW

Reflexions on time and transience The exhibition THE LONG NOW assembles 20 contemporary, artistic positions in the lounge area of me Collectors Room Berlin, with which a variety of approaches…


27.04. – 27.08.2018: EVA & ADELE – L’AMOUR DU RISQUE

EVA & ADELE – L’AMOUR DU RISQUE presents the artist-couple’s work of the last 25 years in an installative retrospective.  The exhibition explores the concepts underlying the pair’s art and their…


14.04. – 01.07.2018: It smells like… flowers & fragrances

The exhibition ‘It smells like… flowers & fragrances’, on view at me Collectors Room Berlin from 14 April to 1 July 2018, reveals the undiminished potential of the visually rich…


16.11.2017 – 02.04.2018: Indigenous Australia: Masterworks from the National Gallery of Australia

The National Gallery of Australia (NGA) and me Collectors Room Berlin present a survey of significant traditional and modern art by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, providing an insight into…


13.09. – 29.10.2017: Portrait of a Nation

Contemporary Art from the United Arab Emirates Featuring works from the ADMAF Art Collection The exhibition Portrait of a Nation offers a glimpse into the creative practices of 50 contemporary…


08.06. – 01.07.2017: Edition 12⁻21

The current charity campaign of EDITION 12⁻21  aims to draw attention to the problems of the increasing dementia risk. EDITION 12⁻21 persuaded 21 contemporary artists, who have made their art pieces…


28.04. – 27.08.2017: Sigmar Polke – The Editions

The complete editioned works of Sigmar Polke, one of the most important contemporary artists, will be on view from 28 April until 27 August 2017 at Berlin at me Collectors…


04.03. – 04.06.2017: Picha/Bilder – Zwischen Nairobi & Berlin

The exhibition shows works by Berlin-based artists and children living in Kibera, East Africa’s biggest slum. The works were created for the organization One Fine Day as part of a…


14.09.2016 – 02.04.2017: My Abstract World

Moved by an enthusiasm for intense colour and bold expressive gestures, Thomas Olbricht has spent the last 30 years collecting abstract art in a wide variety of styles. At me…


27.04. – 22.06.2016: Private Exposure

Private Exposure is a site aware exhibition in response to the me Collectors Room building, where the glass-fronted, open architecture of the space offers visitors multiple lines of sight and…


16.09.2015 – 28.08.2016: Cindy Sherman – Works from the Olbricht Collection

The exhibition ‘Cindy Sherman – Works from the Olbricht Collection’ features 65 photographs by the artist. Including works from almost all periods of her career, the collection provides a remarkable…


16.09. – 15.11.2015: Falling Fictions

The exhibition ‘Falling Fictions’ and the accompanying publication are the product of a collaboration between me Collectors Room Berlin / Olbricht Foundation with the London Metropolitan University and the Whitechapel…


In Arnhem: Queensize – Female Artists from the Olbricht Collection

13.02. – 16.05.2016 “Queensize – Female Artists from the Olbricht Collection″ is presented in Museum Arnhem from 13 February – 16 May 2016. The exhibition first opened in Berlin early…


A Book of Burning Matches: Collecting Installation Art Documents: 14.03. – 24.05.2015

‘An exhibition is a construction that reveals itself continuously. A reality that happens in front of our eyes, a series of experiences oscillating between permanency and the traces of a…


Queensize – Female Artists from the Olbricht Collection: 07.12.2014 – 30.08.2015

me Collectors Room/Olbricht Foundation presents from 7 December 2014 until 30 August 2015  its first ever exhibition dedicated entirely to women artists, in a show entitled ‘QUEENSIZE – Female Artists…


A Man Walks Into a Bar: 25.01. – 22.02.2015

‘A man walks into a bar. . . .’—the unmistakable prelude to a joke. This remarkable collection of artist’s postcards of the same name could not have a more fitting…


EXOTICA and 4 other cases of the self 17 September 2014 – 16 January 2015

‘EXOTICA and 4 other cases of the self’ centres on the question of the self in the modern day and uses the Wunderkammer Olbricht as an integral part of the…


Fragile Sense of Hope – Art Collection Telekom

10.10.2014 to 23.11.2014 

This fall, the Deutsche Telekom will debut parts of its art collection Art Collection Telekom with the exhibit “Fragile Sense of Hope” at me Collectors Room/Olbricht Foundation in Berlin. “Fragile…


Stanze/Rooms Works from the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection

02.05.2014 to 21.09.2014 

The Turin-based Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection is about to go on show at me Collectors Room Berlin, from 2 May to 21 September 2014. In this first ever exhibition of…



21.01.2014 to 29.06.2014 

In the exhibition PAPERWORLDS, curators Valeska Hageney and Sylvia Volz present over 60 childhood drawings made by living artists who are now international figures in the art world.


Schöne Grüsse Thomas Schütte

14.09.2013 to 06.04.2014 

The forthcoming exhibition at me Collectors Room Berlin / Olbricht Foundation, ‘Schöne Grüsse Thomas Schütte’, presents a probing insight into the works by Thomas Schütte that feature in the Olbricht…


PLAY – The Frivolous and the Serious

16.05.2013 to 18.08.2013 

The exhibition PLAY – The Frivolous and the Serious (16.05. – 18.08.2013) revolves around the universal phenomenon of the act of playing. It is the result of a collaboration between the…


WONDERFUL – Humboldt, Krokodil & Polke, Die Olbricht Collection

29.11.2012 to 25.08.2013 

The Wunderkammer is a permanent part of our exhibition space and is currently the only one of its kind in Berlin. As part of “WONDERFUL – Humboldt, Krokodil & Polke”…


In Turin: Gerhard Richter – Edizioni 1965-2012 dalla Collezione Olbricht

31.01.2013 to 21.04.2013 

“Gerhard Richter – Editions 1965-2012” is presented in Turin as part of an exchange project between the Olbricht Collection and the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection. The exhibition first opened in…


ART & TOYS – Collection Selim Varol

26.05.2012 to 14.10.2012 

“my collection, that’s me – my childhood, my friends, my heroes, my role models, what i enjoy, what moves me. pictures from my journey: ‘at home i’m a tourist’” (Selim…


“Through the Looking Glass”

21.04.2012 to 13.05.2012 

The exhibition “Through the Looking Glass” is the product of the collaboration with three young curators of the MA course Curating the Contemporary, taught by the London Metropolitan University and…


Gerhard Richter – Editions 1965-2011

12.02.2012 to 13.05.2012 

  Gerhard Richter has secured an international reputation as one of the most important and successful German artists of current times. Although most famous for his paintings, over the last…


In Paris: “Memories of the future” from the Olbricht Collection

22.10.2011 to 15.01.2012 

Alongside Antoine de Galbert’s exhibition at me Collectors Room “My Paris – Collection Antoine de Galbert”, parts of the Olbricht Collection will be on show in Paris. For now more…


My Paris – Collection Antoine de Galbert

01.10.2011 to 08.01.2012 

From October 1, 2011 to January 8, 2012 me Collectors Room Berlin is presenting the collection of Antoine de Galbert. Antoine de Galbert has been collecting contemporary art since 1987 with the…


All Cannibals?

29.05.2011 to 21.08.2011 

The exhibition All Cannibals? at me Collectors Room scrutinizes the topic of cannibalism (anthropophagy) in art. Historical works—etchings, books of hours, paintings, ethnographic photographs, and cult objects foster a dialogue…


William N. Copley and Andreas Slominski – X-RATED

30.01.2011 to 15.05.2011 

Copley’s (1919 – 1996) paintings are being presented in Europe for the first time in 30 years. As the title implies, X-RATED deals with “adult” content. “The “X-RATED” pictures are…


王 Ouyang Chun – Painting the King

02.10.2010 to 09.01.2011 

The me Collectors Room Berlin is to stage a special kind of premiere in the shape of the exhibition 王 Ouyang Chun – PAINTING THE KING. The artist, born in…


Passion Fruits picked from the Olbricht Collection

01.05.2010 to 12.09.2010 

The first show of selected works from the Olbricht Collection, auspiciously entitled PASSION FRUITS, presents the outcome of a passionate engagement with art. Curated by Wolfgang Schoppmann, a longstanding advisor…
