12.10., 7 pm: Concert 125th birthday of Sergei Prokofjev

Wednesday, 12.10., 7 pm
On the occastion of the 125th anniversary of the Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev violinist Johannes Jahnel and pianist Yui Yasuhara will play his colorful music amidst the exhibition “My Abstract World”.

Sergei Prokofiev is one of the greatest composers of the 20th century, whose multifaceted musical work evoked both enthusiasm and scandals  at that time. Today his works are standard repertoire of international opera and concert programs.

Besides the two sonatas, Prokofiev wrote for violin and piano, the „Suite in Old Style“ of his compatriot Alfred Schnittke will be heard as interlude.


Johannes Jahnel – violin
Yui Yasuhara – piano

regular: 15 €
reduced: 10 €
